A body treatment as the end of a busy day could make you feel brand new. A foot mask is something we all should start using more as a sign of appreciation for our bodies. Some people use such products only in summer to ensure their feet are beach ready.
These masks designed for the feet do much more than that. They can and should be used in winter as well, so read below to learn more!
What is a foot mask?
If you know what a face mask is, then you surely know what a foot mask might be: another beauty product. Another similarity is that you’re generally supposed to rinse off the foot mask after keeping it on for the recommended period of time.
The difference is that it will have slightly different ingredients, though it might have similar effects. There are several types of such products, and we’ll talk about them later on. The most popular one at the moment is the one with a peeling effect.
When and Why You Should Use Foot Mask
A peeling mask for the feet shouldn’t be used too often. This is because they are quite aggressive, actually stripping off a layer of skin. Consequently, the stripping skin will be seen after a few days, and using the foot peel mask once every other month should be enough. Depending on a few factors, you might need to adjust the time frame between each application.
Most people use such products in summer only, as their feet are much more on display than in winter. However, applying a mask in winter is also recommended especially if your feet have the tendency of becoming rough and calloused. This happens a lot with our heels as the dead skin builds up. This dead skin dries and can even crack, becoming painful and the cracks may even start to bleed, leading to infections. Should you have such an issue, it’s best to keep it under control by regularly using the product.
It’s also good to use a mask when you’re mostly wearing closed shoes and socks. Others use them because they wear various types of shoes with a flat sole, without socks.
Types of Foot Mask
As previously mentioned, we’re going to talk more about the types of masks for the feet. Based on the manufacturer and type of mask you’re using, do expect to keep them on for a different amount of time. While you can stay with the mask on for longer than what the package says, for the most benefits try not to shorten the recommended time.
Currently, many people think that they should get the best foot peel mask for all their skin issues. These masks look like some oversized socks, they come in pairs and they’re soaked with the solution that causes the skin to peel off. You’re expected to keep them on for about an hour and a half. The peeling starts a couple of days after the application. While they contain several ingredients, the main one is an alpha-hydroxy acid. One such example is the glycolic acid. This is the key ingredient that makes dead skin peel off. Unfortunately, the amount of such acids in these beauty treatments is not known, but it surely is higher than in any face mask.
Some peel inducing masks have extra ingredients like argan oil, peppermint, lavender. These extra ingredients will help your feet relax, feel fresh, or moisturize for a longer period of time.
One popular mask is the clay one. A clay mask is good for removing impurities and oils. Such a treatment is recommended for those whose feet have a stronger odor. A strong foot odor usually happens when the feet sweat a lot, creating an ideal environment for certain bacteria that feeds on the moisture. The clay mask simply destroys all that. Those living in a humid climate might like such a product more.
Another very popular type of mask is the one with a moisturizing effect. If you wear sandals a lot of the time, you might notice your feet getting dusty and dry more often. A dry climate can make things worse. Obviously such a mask takes care of this problem, making sure your feet look and feel nice and soft. A moisturizing feet mask can also prevent your feet from cracking.
You should use more of these masks after you got rid of calluses and thick, dead skin on your feet. This way you’ll prevent them from forming again, or at least slow them down.
Why You Need To Buy Foot Mask
You could be thinking that there are other ways to achieve the same results as with this product, such as a foot grater or file or even a pedicure. While those are viable solutions, they could be dangerous or not possible for some reason.
If you think that a traditional heel grater is better, remember that such a device can easily injure you, in turn making things worse. Depending on the severity of the accumulated dead skin on your feet, a foot file might not even work as advertised. Clearly, the mask specially designed for this purpose is much safer and more effective. Additionally, the result is likely to last for longer as well, as compared to the mentioned traditional tools.
Getting your pedicure done is not something everyone can afford and at times the technician is not even good. Furthermore, you must make an appointment and then make sure you don’t forget to go. With a mask, you can choose the time you use it, and it also costs much less. Let’s not forget that depending on the purpose of the mask you’re using, moisture can be “locked” in the skin for a longer time. Most masks will also protect your skin from daily wear.
Clearly there are plenty of reasons to buy a foot peeling mask, the strongest of them being convenience and low cost. You should also know that this beauty product can even get you rid of long lasting problems like calluses, in a single use. Additionally they’re not likely to reform unless you don’t take care of your feet.
How to Properly Use the Foot Mask
Most masks for the feet are straight forward when it comes to usage. You only need to open the product, spread it all over the feet, wait for the chemicals to work and then gently remove with a damp or dry towel.
A peeling mask is a bit more tricky to use because they’re not all packaged the same. Some of them have the solution inside the socks, while others don’t. You might also have to pay attention to the design of the sock, in a similar way you pay attention to the shoes when putting them on.
For the best results, you also have to ensure your feet are clean. Water and soap is enough to clean your feet, however you’re not ready yet to jump into your plastic booties. You must soak your feet in water for about 15 minutes before that, and then dry them with a clean towel.
It’s time to put the socks with the foot peels solution on. The package will also contain some tape to secure the socks on and the liquid inside. For extra safety, you can add a real pair of socks, but try not to walk while waiting. You will not make a good contact with the floor which might result in falling.
When the waiting time is up, make sure to rinse the solution off as well as you can, otherwise your feet could become irritated. After rinsing the mask off, dry your feet and you can carry on with whatever you planned on doing, while waiting for the results.
You should know that the skin will start peeling either after a few hours or after a few days, and it doesn’t have the same rhythm for everyone. The first area to shed dead skin will be the sole of the feet and the process continues towards the upper side of the feet. It’s important to remember not to pull it away prematurely as irritation, pain and bleeding could occur. Shedding dead skin after this treatment should be painless.
Another important thing to remember is to care for your new soft feet. This is easy to achieve by starting to use moisturizing lotions and creams. Others who tried these peeling masks recommend extra soaking of the feet in some warm water, the days after the use of the mask.
Side Effects
Sadly, there are folks who will notice unwanted side-effects. It’s good to know about these before using the product, even if you won’t be one of those people. Most side-effects are caused by a sensitivity to the alpha-hydroxy acids in the product. These people could notice swollen feet, blisters, or inflammation of the skin.
However, not everyone will be able to achieve smooth feet with these masks, because they’re not supposed to use them. These people are:
- Those who are pregnant or nursing
- Suffer from diabetes
- Wounded
- Those with skin allergies or have a highly sensitive skin
- Eczema or psoriasis sufferers
- Those who need though feet, like athletes and runners
Those who are pregnant, nursing or wounded can use the product after they are no longer pregnant, need to nurse, or after their wounds have healed. Even if you don’t see yourself on the above list, you should probably still consult with a doctor before using a mask as strong as this one.
Some extra considerations
People’s feet aren’t equal, however these masks are designed as one-size-fits-all. Depending on how big your feet are, you might think you’ll have to stay away from these beauty products. This doesn’t have to be the case: with a bit of research, you might find some available in larger sizes.
Like with many masks, a peel mark for the feet is created to be used just once. If you’re lucky, you might find some brands selling not one but two pairs of booties. What’s more is that these pairs could be of different sizes, to accommodate bigger feet.
Most masks providing a chemical peel for your feet have a concentration of more than 10% of the glycolic acid. This acid is generally safe on other areas of the body, but in a smaller concentration. None of the brands mention how much of this acid they used. This means you should definitely use the mask on the feet only.
We hope you found this article informative and that now you know more about the latest trend in beauty, the chemical foot peel. While you might have heard of the process done on other parts of the body, like the face, not many did it on their feet. Until recently that is.